Name of the Museum /Institution
संग्रहालय/संस्था का नाम
Archaeological Survey Of India , Jabalpur Circle
Reference Number / संदर्भ संख्या
Title/ Name of Object
वस्तु का शीर्षक/नाम
Type of Object / वस्तु की किस्म
Sculpture - प्रतिमा
Dynasty /वंश
Kalachuri - कल्चुरी
Period / तारीख/युग
C. 10th - 11th Cent. CE
Style / शैली
Kalachuri - कलचुरी
Provenance / उद्गम/क्षेत्र
Bheraghat, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
Material / सामग्री
Sandstone - बलुआ पत्थर
Sub Material / उप.सामग्री
Location at the Museum / संग्रहालय में कहा पर अवस्थित है।
Fixed in the the circular pavilion of Chausath Yogini temple, Bheraghat Jabalpur
राज्य/संघ राज्य क्षेत्र
Madhya Pradesh
Length(cm) / लंबाई
Width(cm) / चौड़ाई
Height(cm) / ऊंचाई
Weight(gm) / भार
Diameter(cm) /व्यास
Depth(cm) /गहराई
Description / विवरण
Description / विवरण
Ganesha pot-bellied in tribhanga pose on a platform four hands all damaged except lower right hand. Beaded necklace, katibandha, beaded bangle and anklet as ornamentation. Yagnopavita crossing the left shoulder from above of thick rope belt for pot belly tighten by a knot in front Udarbandh . The right leg damaged. The vahana mouse, near the right feet of Ganesha four male attendants at the feet, two on either side, all highly mutilated. Decoration on both sides damaged. श्री गणेश is recorded on the pedestal in nagari script of 10th-11th century A.D.
Identification Marks /
पहचान चिन्ह
Identification Mark Images / पहचान चिन्ह का छायाचित्र