Name of the Museum /Institution
संग्रहालय/संस्था का नाम
Archaeological Survey Of India , Jabalpur Circle
Reference Number / संदर्भ संख्या
Title/ Name of Object
वस्तु का शीर्षक/नाम
Type of Object / वस्तु की किस्म
Sculpture - प्रतिमा
Dynasty /वंश
Pratihara - प्रतिहार
Period / तारीख/युग
C. 7th - 8th Cent. CE
Style / शैली
Pratihara - प्रतिहार
Provenance / उद्गम/क्षेत्र
Bheraghat, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
Material / सामग्री
Sandstone - बलुआ पत्थर
Sub Material / उप.सामग्री
Red Sandstone
Location at the Museum / संग्रहालय में कहा पर अवस्थित है।
Fixed in the circular pavilion of Chausath Yogini Temple, Bheraghat, Jabalpur
राज्य/संघ राज्य क्षेत्र
Madhya Pradesh
Length(cm) / लंबाई
Width(cm) / चौड़ाई
Height(cm) / ऊंचाई
Weight(gm) / भार
Diameter(cm) /व्यास
Depth(cm) /गहराई
Description / विवरण
Description / विवरण
A goddess standing in tribhanga on a platform carved in relief on a sand stone. Four hands all damaged beaded necklace, locket, vaksh bandha of a one inch thick belt and katibandha are ornamentation which are simple in nature. Head chopped off folds are shown below the breasts. On her right at the feet a peacock is shown looking towards goddess which might be the vahana on the left an attendant at the feet of which only feet below thigh are remaining. Some unidentifiable objects on both sides near the waist are kept 7th-8th century A.D.
Identification Marks /
पहचान चिन्ह
Identification Mark Images / पहचान चिन्ह का छायाचित्र