Name of the Museum /Institution
संग्रहालय/संस्था का नाम
Archaeological Survey Of India , Jabalpur Circle
Reference Number / संदर्भ संख्या
Title/ Name of Object
वस्तु का शीर्षक/नाम
shri Vibhatsa
Type of Object / वस्तु की किस्म
Sculpture - प्रतिमा
Dynasty /वंश
Kalachuri - कल्चुरी
Period / तारीख/युग
C. 10th - 11th Cent. CE
Style / शैली
Kalachuri - कलचुरी
Provenance / उद्गम/क्षेत्र
Bheraghat, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
Material / सामग्री
Sandstone - बलुआ पत्थर
Sub Material / उप.सामग्री
Location at the Museum / संग्रहालय में कहा पर अवस्थित है।
kept in the circular pavilion of 64 yogini temple, Bheraghat, Jabalpur
राज्य/संघ राज्य क्षेत्र
Madhya Pradesh
Length(cm) / लंबाई
Width(cm) / चौड़ाई
Height(cm) / ऊंचाई
Weight(gm) / भार
Diameter(cm) /व्यास
Depth(cm) /गहराई
Description / विवरण
Description / विवरण
Goddess seated on a Kamalasana in ardhaparyanka. The pedestal is marked with a corpse human figure in the background of a chakra or this might be a demon that is being killed by the goddess. The head of the corpse figure is slightly raised and looking at the goddess. The eyes are sunken, beaded headdress, bearded face in a beaded form, mustache and two bigger canine teeth which pace the two lips of half mouth open. Beaded necklace, bhujaband, katibandh, anklet and transparent lower garment are as usual. Both hands are damaged. Four hands to goddess all damaged except upper left which holds a shield. Breast prominent, right one chopped off, headdress, kundala, Halo in the background of the Kirit mukut head which is damaged, necklace, and a mala crossing the bust, bajubandh, Katibandh, transparent lower garment and anklets are other ornaments. . Shrunken eyes, mouth half open, presents a fearful face. A long mala around the neck which is stretched up to his leg is threaded with four skulls at the bottom. Four emaciated attendants at the feet with bowls and swords in their hands. All except the right one damaged. Vyala and Makara figure in successive vertical order. Top damaged which might have been depicting flying Gandharva. An Nagari inscription is engraved on the pedestal.
Identification Marks /
पहचान चिन्ह
Identification Mark Images / पहचान चिन्ह का छायाचित्र