Name of the Museum /Institution
संग्रहालय/संस्था का नाम
Archaeological Survey Of India , Jabalpur Circle
Reference Number / संदर्भ संख्या
Title/ Name of Object
वस्तु का शीर्षक/नाम
Shri Eruni
Type of Object / वस्तु की किस्म
Sculpture - प्रतिमा
Dynasty /वंश
Kalachuri - कल्चुरी
Period / तारीख/युग
C. 10th - 11th Cent. CE
Style / शैली
Kalachuri - कलचुरी
Provenance / उद्गम/क्षेत्र
Bheraghat, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
Material / सामग्री
Sandstone - बलुआ पत्थर
Sub Material / उप.सामग्री
Location at the Museum / संग्रहालय में कहा पर अवस्थित है।
In the circular pavilion of 64 yogini temple, Bheraghat, Jabalpur
राज्य/संघ राज्य क्षेत्र
Madhya Pradesh
Length(cm) / लंबाई
Width(cm) / चौड़ाई
Height(cm) / ऊंचाई
Weight(gm) / भार
Diameter(cm) /व्यास
Depth(cm) /गहराई
Description / विवरण
Description / विवरण
A life-size goddess seated on a lotus pedestal meditating in ardhparyanka style four arms all broken, face of probably a cow Four lady attendants two on either side of the sculpture, all are defaced. Below the feet on the pedestal, there is a depiction of Nandi is seen. On the parikara the depiction of Vyala, Makara, flying Gandharva are seen. Behind the head of the deity abhamandala is depicted which is slightly broken from the upper side. She wears a Jata mukuta, earrings, necklace, a long garland, armlet, Katibandha and anklet. She wears a transparent saree as lower garment. the sculpture was broken in half which was mended later. An Nagari inscription is engraved on the lower side of the pedestal which reads श्री एरुणी
Identification Marks /
पहचान चिन्ह
Identification Mark Images / पहचान चिन्ह का छायाचित्र