Name of the Museum /Institution
संग्रहालय/संस्था का नाम
Archaeological Survey Of India , Jabalpur Circle
Reference Number / संदर्भ संख्या
Title/ Name of Object
वस्तु का शीर्षक/नाम
Type of Object / वस्तु की किस्म
Sculpture - प्रतिमा
Dynasty /वंश
Kalachuri - कल्चुरी
Period / तारीख/युग
C. 10th 12th Cent. CE
Style / शैली
Kalachuri - कलचुरी
Provenance / उद्गम/क्षेत्र
Tewar, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
Material / सामग्री
Sandstone - बलुआ पत्थर
Sub Material / उप.सामग्री
Location at the Museum / संग्रहालय में कहा पर अवस्थित है।
Chausath Yogini Store room
राज्य/संघ राज्य क्षेत्र
Madhya Pradesh
Length(cm) / लंबाई
Width(cm) / चौड़ाई
Height(cm) / ऊंचाई
Weight(gm) / भार
Diameter(cm) /व्यास
Depth(cm) /गहराई
Description / विवरण
Description / विवरण
This sculptural fragment is part of a huge sculpture. This sculptural panel shows a very typical Kalachuri style of carving. In this panel, three figurines are visible, in which one male Gandharva and rest are female Gandharvas. The Gandharvas are depicted with heavy ornamentation. The male Gandharva is shown in a flying posture and holding a garland. He is shown wearing a crown, necklace, kamarband, bajuband, bangle and anklet. His eyes, nose, and lips have been carved precisely. He is also shown wearing adhovastra . In two female Gandharvas, one is shown in upward and second is shown downward of the panel. The upward female Gandharva is headless and her left side of the breast is also partly broken; her right hand is shown touching the crown of the male Gandharva. She is shown wearing a necklace, bangle, kamarband and anklet. The downward female Gandharva is shown holding a garland and her face is partly broken. She is shown wearing earrings, necklaces, kamarband and adhovastra also. Her left breast is also partially broken.
Identification Marks /
पहचान चिन्ह
Identification Mark Images / पहचान चिन्ह का छायाचित्र